Altar Rosary Society Diane Meleshkewich (845) 227-6111
Joyce Moroney (8450 592-1360
Adult Education John Thompson [email protected] Altar Servers Father Walter Baptism Deacon Denis McCormack
(845) 227-8380
Care Ministry Lori Loehr & Maureen Carison
(845) 227-7430
Columbiettes Maria Ronda
CYFM and DDA Weekends Rosemary Thorn ( [email protected])
Helping Hands Diann Coghlan (845) 226-8896
Knights of Columbus Matt Seman
Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers Laura Brady
Parish Listings Adoration Stephen Broussard (845) 591-4030
Christopher Merenda (914) 419-6314
Parish Picnic Barbara Falcone ( [email protected])
Parish Youth Group (God Squad) Email – [email protected] Pastoral Care of the sick & homebound Please contact the Rectory
(845) 227-8380
RCIA Program Chris Merenda
(845) 227-8380
Scheduling Parish Events Gary Bartilucci (845) 227-8380
St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Joyce Pfirman (845) 297-2674
St. Joseph’s Men Group Eric Winogradoff
[email protected] Student Mass Besty Thompson
Tri -Parish Youth Group – TLC Dave and Kathy Bell
[email protected] Tri –Parish Respect Life Group George (845) 226-6896
Eileen (845) 242-1842
Ushers and Greeter Pat Moore
[email protected] Wedding @ Music Ministry Cathy Reale (845) 797-9699